Looking to the Manger
As we go about our days, let us return frequently to the manger, remembering that God is still with us today, waiting to be born and reborn in our lives anew.
Finding Peace in Mary's Magnificat
Mary's song paints a beautiful picture of a God whose deep love actively heals and restores our broken world, serving as a living invitation to join in this ongoing work of transformation.
Reclaiming the Joy of Advent
Can we find joy not despite our waiting but through it? The text suggests that authentic spiritual joy might be found precisely in those moments when we engage with the tension between present reality and future hope, between what is and what will be.
Love Comes in the Waiting: An Advent Reflection on Love
An Advent devotional filled with love.
Three Advent Poems
Let me share with you today three Advent poems – a haiku, a limerick, and some free verse.
First, a haiku:
Seeing God's Love in the Waiting
In our own seasons of waiting – whether for healing, direction, or answered prayer – we're invited to trust that God's love is at work, even when we can't see the evidence.
A Light That Waits: An Advent Reflection on Hope
An Advent devotional filled with hope.
Rediscovering Advent's Gift of Hope
In our rushed culture that demands constant productivity and acquisition, Advent calls us to be still, to create space for what matters most.
While We Wait
A Poetic Reflection on Hope